
Random Realizations # 5 - Today

Negative vibes thrive in places where you've had some of your best-ever experiences. No matter how good the music is in a club, how fun the people you with are, or how hammered you are, you get this nagging feeling that it was better - or more importantly, that it could be better - than it currently is, and you'll end up on a couch either a) watching people dance or b) reminiscing the night away.

Right Pao?
* * *

I woke up today with a very bad taste in my mouth, like I just knew that something really disastrous was happening or had already happened today, but I didn't know what it was.

It's already five in the afternoon and I haven't gotten rid of this feeling yet. I just want this day to be over and done with, right now. I feel really sick.
* * *

Here's to missed opportunities, regrets, innocence lost, betrayal, needless conflict, things-that-were, things-that-could've-been, and the hopefully proper resolution of whatever happened today that made me feel this weird.


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