
Anxiety Attacks

I've been having a series of anxiety attacks lately - you know, those incidents when you find that you just can't move (literally: you can't get out of bed, peel your ass off your seat, and you generally just lack the initiative to overcome inertia and do something new) because you're scared of taking risks and facing the world because you know that you're just going to fail.

And yes, I know that this fear of failing is irrational; I know that I won't ever succeed at anything unless I take risks. It's just that I can't help what I'm feeling, and it affects me. Whenever I try something remotely risky, I just can't help but think that I'm going to fail at it. I try to block out my thoughts but they just keep coming back. And hence I end up failing anyway.

The latest anxiety attack happened just this evening. I was fairly okay the whole day, until I received a rejection letter from Shell in my e-mail which basically said that I totally fucked my interview up. And to think that I was already so hyped up to go to Phuket.

I just feel so scared of everything. I don't know what to do.


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