
I Just Came Home from Ponti

And the word of the week is frumpy.


A Rainy Week and First Frogs

This week was eventful.

It started out with two wonderful days of suspended classes, of which I spent most of the time cooped up alone in the condo. But that was okay, I guess. Here's a special shout-out to Liane for keeping me company! Thanks.

Wednesday was bland except for the fact that I think I failed my P.E. Pre-Finals. [Yes, once again, I am a college Senior still taking one last sem of P.E. because of a registration mistake back in Sophomore year.] Fucking tai chi.

Thursday was hell. I had to cram two papers (one for a customer, and one for myself) and a presentation; the latter made up 10 or 20 % of my final grade in PolSci and it turned out okay, I guess. It didn't meet my standards, but my groupmates said it was fairly okay. Oh well, I had to make it up to the world for the past three days spent bumming around.

Then I went to Eastwood to watch Sitti (the bossa nova girl) with Josh, Liane, Sarah, and Pey (a.k.a. Pericles "Hari ng Pampanga" Mallari II a.k.a. Poultry Man a.k.a. Pig Man a.k.a. Potato Man), after which we (okay fine, I) proceeded to get quite hammered on some alcohol.

That was fun. Let's do that again tomorrow.

I woke up at 9:10 with a slight hangover. I slipped my clothes on and ran to school. I was 3 minutes late for my 9:30 class. But it was okay. There was a pleasant surprise waiting for me on my desk.

Today, after taking three sems of Operations Research, I finally got my first FROG. I am so satisfied with my life. I can die right now.

For your information, my OR professor stamps your exam paper with a stamp of a jumping frog if you got at least 90% on it. I got a 94. I haven't gotten an A in any major course long test in over a year.

I went home to Alabang after OR because it was my only class today. Now I'm bored.

Now I'm off to the MEABabe GAP 1.

The Seniors' presentation had better be funny. Jaryd, Ryan, and Simon na to!

[This entry lacks unity and coherence, and some sentences are worded too awkwardly. I'm too lazy to edit. Forgive me.]


An Update

This is for all you people who're clamoring for an update. Hehe.

Aside from the fact that I'm getting my life back on track - one painful step at a time - nothing much is new.

I study practically every night with Josh and his friends in Starbucks, and hence I have this feeling that this sem is actually going to turn out pretty well grade-wise. But then again I haven't had taken any major tests yet. Oh well.

And strangely enough, I'm losing weight without even trying. I'm halfway to my target weight. Woohoo. Mueslix and Century Lite, I love you. If only it actually becomes visible.

* * *
I was walking to school the other day and I saw my former roommate, Cacao. We had a little discussion (while continuing to walk in opposite directions, of course) until it reached the point where I had to turn my torso towards him to continue walking.

And at which point I sprained my ankle after stepping on a freaking line in the sidewalk. Geez, it wasn't even elevated.

That's it for now. I really don't have anything to write.


A Possibility

I think I'm bipolar.


Midnight Entry # 3 - The Story of My Life

I'm alone in the condo yet again.